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Eunhye Koh

Jeju National University

인공지능과 영어학습: 정책 및 기존 연구 분석을 중심으로

When most people hear the term ‘artificial intelligence’ or ‘AI’, the first thing that they usually think of would be AlphaGo, a computer program developed by DeepMind Technologies that plays the board game go. The term “artificial intelligence” was coined in the 1950s by scientists attempting to create a machine that could perform the functions of “thinking” that humans are capable of. Today, this technology is not just something computer scientists and tech aficionados dabble with. Most of us use AI in our daily lives without really thinking or knowing about it. Therefore, the article reviews how AI have an impact on language learning, especially English learning in a practical way. First it studies how each international and national institution defines AI and plans to apply it to English learning. Also, it takes a look at previous studies on AI and English learning focusing on Chatbot, a software application used to conduct an on-line chat conversation via text or text-to-speech, in lieu of providing direct contact with a live human agent. Finally, the study summarizes what these studies show in common and find their implications.


Keyword : Artificial Intelligence(AI), Language learning, English Learning, Chatbot

Eunhye Koh is currently a second year PhD student in the Department of English Education at Jeju National University (JNU), South Korea. She completed her BA in English Language & Literature and her MA in Translation and Interpretation from JNU. She has been working as a lecturer for the Department of Economics, JNU. Her main research interests involve Second Language Acquisition (SLA), Language Teaching, and the Korean Education System both private and public English education sectors. 

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