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Above the Clouds
Professor Lecturing on Stage

Presenter List

My deepest appreciation goes to all the presenters including the plenary and featured speakers for their time and efforts. Stay safe!

Jaemyung Goo, President of GETA

Cognitive Individual Differences and L2 Learning

Above the Clouds

Hyeok Jin Cheon

The Effects of Repeated Reading on Reading Comprehension in Different Text Conditions

Kyungjin Hwang

A Case Study of an EFL Reader: Using Miscue Analysis and Retrospective Miscue Analysis for Teaching Reading

Taehee Kim &

Mae-Ran Park

A Qualitative Study of the Use of Connectors in Intermediate English Writing by Korean College Students

Nanyun Li &

Hyesook Park

A Review of Research on Learner Autonomy over the Past 20 Years in China

Jiayi Min &

Moonyoung Park


Investigating Test Practices and Washback Effects: Implications for Primary School English Teachers in Hong Kong

Dennis Murphy Odo

The Effectiveness of 

Phonological Awareness 

and Phonics Instruction for Word and Pseudo Word 

Reading of English as an 

L2: A Quantitative Meta-analytic Review

Beautiful Landscape

Eunseok Ro

Reorientation of Noticing and Output: A Case Study of Tracking a Teaching Object During an IELTS Consultation

No Slide

Wei Shen &

Hyesook Park


The Relationships Among Chinese EFL Learners’ Meta-cognitive Strategies, Working Memory Capacity, L2 Vocabulary Knowledge in L2 Reading Comprehension

Takaaki Takeuchi

The Effects of Elaborated and Simplified Texts on Reading

Eunhye Koh

인공지능과 영어학습:

정책 및 기존 연구 분석을 중심으로

Beautiful Landscape

JiEun Ko, YunDeok Choi & Haemoon Lee

환경과 어학능력점수에

따른 한국 성인 학습자들의

영어불안감 양상​

HyeJeong Kim

효율적인 대학 온라인

수업을 위한 연구: 영화를

활용한 영어 독해 수업을


Seonyoung Park

동료 코칭을 통한 초등 영어 교사의 정체성 탐색 

Tecnam Yoon

디지털마인드맵 활용 초등영어학습자들의 영어능력 및 인식 변화 연구

HyeJin Lee

ONE PASS: 중등영어교사 임용시험 어플 

Da-eun Han

AI 챗봇 활용이 한국 EFL

학습자의 말하기 능력 및

흥미와 동기에 미치는 영향

Eun Ji Han &

Kyung Ja Kim

영어 사교육에 대한

학부모의 인식 조사

Maria Oh

카카오톡 메신저와 온라인

화상회의 줌을 활용한

‘교실영어’ 수업 연구 

Beautiful Landscape
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